Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why, Hello There

So I'm making a blog.
This should be exciting. Persay, I already have a blog, but I mostly use that for reblogging great content and ogling over great gifs and that sort of thing.
So you know what, I'll do this.
I don't experiment enough and I feel like I should do something big and bold every once in awhile. Even though it turns out two people on Twitter have already done it.
What's the likelihood that anyone's going to read this? Slim to none. I want to try though. Just to get my thoughts down in some coherent sense.
Maybe I'm making a mistake and all the college admissions are gonna see this and damn me to a life of misery blablabla but you know what, so what. (You thought I was going to say Carpe Diem or something pretentious like that, didn't you? You were wrongwrongwong :)
So what am I going to blog about?
I have no fracking clue. Maybe I'll be a pretentious dumbnut and make posts about the meaning of life or some shnazz like that. I don't know. Or maybe I'll whine about my upper middle-class suburban life or something. :/ The thought of that isn't pleasant. But I don't know, maybe if I document my thoughts into some coherent sense, I'll become a better writer and people will admire my words and I won't feel lonely anymore and I'll get into U of C and etc etc etc. Such are the hopes of someone starting anew. Regardless, let me say hello, and get this thing started.

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