I genuinely honest to god wasn't going to write anything more for the day, but then I saw something.
Now, maybe I'm overreacting or maybe this has been building up for awhile, but someone recently (I don't want ya'll stalking my FB and finding out who this is) did a Truth Is...and there reply for me wasn't "Oh, you're a good friend" or "Oh, I love being in class together". No. It was "You love reading, and that's pretty coool. You always have a book to reccommend. Tomorrow will be our last day together" (I'm paraphrasing. She probably didn't have any malevolent intention and probably does think well of me, but this set me off)
Holy shit, if something ever happens to me and all I'm ever remembered for is reading alot, then screw it.
What the hell is so special about me reading alot? More like, why the hell don't people read more often, or TRY to read more often? What the hell makes me reading so special that most people have to comment on it? I like reading. It's my right as an American citizen. Yes, I devote much more time to studying than reading, much more than I used to, but that doesn't mean I don't fracking try.
During AP Lang on Thursday, our teacher told our class to bring an SSR book (independent reading book) to class for Friday, as we might finish ahead of schedule. That happened. As our class happens to be in another teacher's Senior Lit classroom, there is a bookshelf on the wall solely for fun, independent reading books. I even borrowed one and brought it out of the classroom (Last Christmas by Kate Brian, don't judge) last week and returned it there, even though I was already reading something else at the time. But on Friday, when our teacher announced that it was SSR time, every freaking kid walked up to that bookshelf and plucked a random book off the shelf. One kid even asked me to lend him a book! (I did. It was Prince Caspian by C.S Lewis, and I haven't had time to get into it yet. Yes, I had two books on me at one time. Don't judge) I even said, out loud and not even joking, "Does nobody read this days?"
It pisses me off, so much, that the people who used to read all the time in middle school now can't be bothered to pick up something for fun unless its about to become a major motion picture. They're honors students, they don't have time, yadda yadda yadda. Then I say this. If you have time for Facebook and Tumblr and Twitter or whatever, you have fracking time to pick up a book and read. In twenty years, you will have gained so much more from reading than you would have from texting your friends or Tweeting. I'm biased and angry and ranting. And now its 11:43 and I really have to go to sleep.
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